Since we have such a dominating number of Bed and Breakfast Paris Apartments in the charming small town feel of Montmartre, I thought I'd walk you through part of it today. See if it feels like home to you; a place you might want to stay in...
Now I love veering off the beaten path on my own away from the crowds and discovering obscure charming small town nooks and cranny's, quiet cafes and quaint little shops to dwell in and observe the 'real' parisiennes way of life. So these shots are from my personal album. They are not professional but they are 'My Montmartre'. At the end I have listed all the B&B's in the Petite Paris B&B roster that are located in Montmartre. Enjoy Part 1 of your virtual walk through Montmartre mes amies...
Starting at my Paris Apartment. Beautiful Haussmann B&B #84
The Boulangerie at the end of the street...
First stop is Montmartre Cimiterie. Paris Cimiterie's are so beautiful; not spooky at all. I often found peace and quiet and associate the solitude and serene surrounds with that of the equally beautiful churches.
Tombstone are exquisitely crafted.
Walking along I walk past the Amelie Cafe..but no stopping here, im on the hunt for something else...
Not even a concert, Happy Hour or crustaceans on sale could lure me in...
Especially when I know there are gorgeous little cottages to admire in quiet uncluttered streets...
Oh ok fine, just a quick tea and creme brulee. Damnit, i hate when i forget to take the photo BEFORE i eat the food...
Continuing along I pass all the quaint seductive cafes and shops...they all seem to have something about them...
At the Sacre Coeur I decide to do what no one else seemed to be doing. Entering the Dome and climbing to the top of the Sacre Coeur Bell tower. To this day I still have not met anyone who has climbed the tower. In fact no one even knew they could. I HIGHLY recommend it. It was a dark, unique and magical experience...also a little scary, you will see why...
First of all it's a long way up....
The entree is dark and dingy and not at all inviting, particularly for anyone on their own and no crowd to follow and seek comfort in. Or maybe its the entree fee which i remember to be quite steep that kept people out. There is no guard so who's to stop you from jumping the gate...however i am an abiding citizen so i paid the little machine and begun my journey up up UP...
It suddenly became dark and scary. I went up and up round and round in the steep winding stairwell that was so narrow i barely fit myself in there, a strong wind is constantly tunnelling up with you making a high shrill whistle, dark dirty walls, graffiti and a sudden feeling of eery, mystique and excitement all at the same time..
Things widen up for a moment allowing my claustrophobia to ease up. Unexpected locked doors like this one pop up every now and then along the way. I tryed peering through the cracks only to be met with darkness and strange sounds of old buildings creaking, a strange clatter and more wind blowing...
Finally an opening and a starting to gain some height. Isn't Montmartre so pretty?!! The greyness of this city on a winters day is beautifully romantic and so fitting...
Squeezing myself along narrow rails and another dead-end door i cant get curiosity fully aroused now i feel like a kid full of on-edge excitement and adventure.
Beautiful and grand!!! I adore the archways, the darkness, he quiet even the cold and wind-tunnel. Stone benches fitted all around.. 
I do a 360 degree tour of this level and admire each stone, each detail and dream about the people who build this famous basilica...
And this is the new view you get as you have gone further up...
Legs are starting to get wobbly but its worth it...
At this point I want to shout form the 'rooftop' how wonderful this is....
Walking around I find myself facing the front of the Basilica with its infamous steep steps down to the Carousel and bustling streets of the Butte Montmartre...
Paris Rooftops, someone should make a book on it...
Things get colder and hazier....
And darker...
Time to 'Sortir' back down the narrow stone stairs...
Round and round I find the dinginess so medieval and beautiful...
Back out in the open I decide to return to investigate the Crypt below too...
Walking in the opposite direction to the crowd I head to the streets to the right of the Sacre coeur adjacent to the hords or tourists at Place du Tertre...peaceful streets are much more appealing...
I stumble across this petite rue lined with colourful shops you would not expect...
including this graffiti-clad bookshop...i wonder how much business they must not get...
But with the Gardens around the Basilica as the streets backdrop who cares, its a magnificent street...
You come across this alot... 'Je suis au cafe no problemo' = I am at Cafe Problemo...
No Problemo...(there are 2 things that ruin perfectly nice photos...people and cars...)
Random fruit hole-in-the-walls pop up frequently...
Then I found this Brocante Antiques shop and thats where i remain for the next 2 hours...and on that note; au revoir mes amies. Stay tuned for 'A Pied in Montmartre' Part 2...