But as liberating as this fact is, visiting ‘any’ city alone can still feel daunting. That’s why singles travelling to Paris LOVE Petite Paris B&B.

Single travellers feel an important level of comfort and support in our B&B services; on a personable level. While you can enjoy days of solitary solitude, an evening of pleasant and intimate company and/or dinner awaits you at your hosted B&B. Your hosts friendly face awaits your return, eager to chat to you about your day, exchange thoughts and ideas and just generally be of good company. Having a real Parisian home to go back to is a valuable comfort for the solo traveller. No cold lonely hotel room, it’s literally a home away from home, with some one to talk to. Travelling alone doesn’t have to feel cold and lonely when the sun goes down.

Travellers feel welcomed and safe in this environment and they benefit from the advise of their Parisian hosts. Having a host is like having the best Paris travel guide in the world. They are an invaluable resource, a wealth of information and tell you secret spots known only by the locals which you can visit on your own once more.

And if you wish to see paris through the eyes of a real Parisian hosts offer to personally take you on walking tours of various areas of Paris or take you on a Paris by Night. Tour. Some will take you to the best local markets – fresh produce, antiques whatever is your fancy.

Now let me point out again that hosts understand the need for your privacy and independence. They will not impose themselves on you; rather they kindly offer their company. Have dinner, an afternoon aperitif, whatever you wish.

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