Sunday, April 15, 2012

What Sunday Mornings are Made for...

 Sunday spring mornings in Paris are too perfect to miss. Most of the city is asleep after those wild Saturday nights. The light is soft, and the places that will soon be overrun with footsteps … are empty. Pure and quiet!

Walking down quiet streets and where the early morning light is magic - as though its warming the earth

 Enjoying le jardin tuileries
Or le Jardin Luxembourg

 Chocolates and sweets in bed aka Breakfast

 a moment to yourself on any parc bench

 catching the metro at the dead early hours where for once there are no people about is a rare and amazing thing.

Getting a dose of mind body and soul therapy at one of the Paris perfect parcs

Queuing for Bread

 Being the first to buy the freshest baguette for the day

 a stroll or light jog along the banks of the seine

its these magic hours where the few people who are out all seem to be characters from some bohemian novel. Some are still living Saturday night, stopped in time wherever they were when their body or mind hit that invisible wall. (Some never even saw the wall. They drank their way through it.) Some are the “early birds,” catching those worms … or collecting those coins in the fountain. And some are just so darn perky (singing out loud as their jogging feet make a gravel rhythm in the gardens) that they make you thankful you’re noctilien

 Riding a Velib over the bridges of Paris

 Tossing or collecting? Coins at the fountain - place des vosges

 Staring out your window at Paris buildings

more sunlit walking

 more velib bike riding down quiet, not yet awake, streets!

 Having a coffee at Rue Montergueil before anyone else is there

 more time to yourself

 getting to the best boulangerie in paris and queuing for more bread :)

 taking the bus instead of the metro - SEE the city!

 more walking (im a walker can you tell hehe)
 enjoying a view across paris

Strolling through village like neighbourhoods known as 'la campagne' (little street and utterly Parisian neighbourhoods you would not know) - this is Rue Siegfried in the 20th...

Breakfast Feasts

 Lingering around your Petite Paris Apartment for longer than you should, watching the world unfold below!

 Falling in LOVE!!!

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