Saturday, May 4, 2013

Petite Paris Publicity - we're in the papers again!

Petite Paris was featured in the Sydney Morning Herald AND The Age last weekend in the Traveller section!! So exciting as always to have such amazing media support for our Paris service for B&B Apartments!

Article: 'Living La Vida Loca' - Don't be a tourist, be a traveller. Better yet, become a local!
It's all about living in your favourite city in the world, finding a neighbourhood that feels like home to you, ditching the idea of a hotel for a more authentic homely experience living in an apartment, and ultimately about turning a holiday experience into a life experience - for me that is returning to Paris, to my favourite neighbourhood of Montmartre - where mon coeur is! :)

Read the full article online HERE - It will have you dreaming of your most favourite place in the world...and dreaming about living may actually do it one day and find yourself opening your apartment window over a whole new neighbourhood! :) Create life everyone and Enjoy... :)

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